Muse Notes, late August
Busy minds wrapped and bound distractions from the noise —of what? Does it matter? More water, less coffee Summer’s greenery Allowing the endless vegetation More weeds, grass, wildflowers Less lawn mowing We move in Beauty The geo-magnetic imprint of nature calls This matters.
Listen to me read the poem above.
Hidden in Plain Sight
If you’re looking for something, you’re likely to find it. Eventually, it will turn up in your life in some way, shape, or form. Almost always with an element of surprise, the unexpected arrives, often after we’ve forgotten about it. There’s a reason for that. One we don’t much like as humans, and that is detachment.
Being in the zone of open awareness without expectations is one of the big secrets in life. And if painting has taught me anything, it’s that letting go of attachment is where the magic truly happens. I’m in discovery when I paint, and outcomes occur naturally as part of the process. No rush, no worry, no chatter.
Detachment grows and deepens as my work and I mature. I’m open to it, and the great mystery reveals itself as beauty comes flooding in. Paintbrush in hand, I celebrate and distill the energies into physical form. As an ambassador between the seen and unseen worlds of Nature, this is what I do. It’s part of my job, and I love it.
Exquisite Paintings on the Nature of Flowers is a body of work based on a sophisticated visual analysis of Nature's frequencies = LOVE. My long-standing body of work, ongoing and now in phase two, began in the early 1990s and is the culmination of a lifetime quest—a sacred journey into the heart of Nature, beauty, and healing the myth of separation.
Above and below: Details of untitled Dahlia, watercolor on cold press paper shown in progress.
Good medicine, Great mystery
Flower Essences, have you heard of them? Similar to homeopathic medicine, they contain an energetic imprint with no physical material from the flower in the mix. A type of energy medicine, there is no scent or color, and they should not be confused with essential oils, perfumes, etc.
Made through a process called solarization, the light of the sun is used to capture an energetic imprint. *It is the quantum geo-magnetic pattern of a flower blossom that’s been imprinted into water that gives the flower essence its medicinal power. Used for thousands of years by civilizations long past, flower essences were reintroduced to our modern world by the work of Dr. Edward Bach at the turn of the century. Today they can be found at local and regional health food stores everywhere.
Typically, flower essences are taken as drops under the tongue, usually over a period of weeks. Unhealthy pattern are re-wired through our natural electrical circuitry as the essence interacts with the pineal gland. As this occurs, light is redistributed along different pathways to rebalance the emotional body. Flower essences have a way of bringing us into harmony with Nature through the subtle electrical imprint they carry. Way cool.
My flower paintings are a type of flower essence and are effective in their unique way. To receive their benefit, all you have to do is look at them and be receptive. Whichever paintings call you are the ones you’re resonant with.
— Leslie
The new platform I’m using, SubStack, allows you to leave a comment when you’re logged into the app. I’ve found it’s a cleaner environment than other social media platforms. So, please consider joining in so we can interact. I’m still working out the details of functionality behind the scenes. Thanks for coming along.
*The ideas and suggestions above are not intended in any way as a substitute for qualified medical advice. Consult a qualified medical practitioner for your health concerns. Visual Flower Essences, Vibrational Essences do not replace qualified medical assistance. If you have a physical illness, disease or psychological issues, however, they will complement and help treatment on subtle levels.