Art amazes, and touches me to the core... and even more so when I personally know the artist. Thank you for the "random advice" as well. I appreciate the reminder that all of us can see the light.

The importance (and joy) of playing with and becoming familiar with our medium of creativity while on this Earth was not lost on this non-artist. Your words have inspired me to appreciate (and experiment with) my own personal expression of creativity, even though its fruits are not readily visible to myself or others.

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Lori. I'm happy for the feedback, it's good to know my work inspires you. Play is probably the most important aspect of everyday life. It's the freeing ingredient. But we've been taught to think of it in a very narrow way. I think climbing Mount Everest is best approached as play, very serious play. Doing dishes, not so serious play. Then everything flows and we know our place in the world. Get into the flow state and we naturally play and experiment. The world becomes a playground. Serious, but with less attachment. Mastering the art of life one day at a time. So much fun:)

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